Thursday, September 5, 2024

Riding by...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

I am all over the place in my craft studio! I want/NEED to scrapbook. I NEED to order photos...which I did begin that task. With another grandchild due in December I have got to get my photos under control. As I was going through my photos I had taken no less than 30 photos of the grand girls in just ONE day! That might be a bit excessive and it is extremely difficult to decide which ones to print. LOL! Every card challenge I see I want to do and my mind starts creating for it, then I veer left and start creating what's in my mind, what's out on my work station, etc! Oh, such problems! NOT! LOL!

So here is today's card inspired by a lunch date I had with one of my besties. We talked about living in quieter times, using a bike instead of a car and going into a quaint little town to buy a baguette, a scone or have a cup of tea. 

I thought this image from NND's, Cycling Friends, worked rather well with our dream. 

My new favorite thing to do with an envelope flap...when the paper doesn't quite cover the flap I stamp a sweet sentiment. This one is from SU! Unbounded Love. I love it! (sorry about the shadow in photo 😐)

Today I am going to work on scrapbooking! 

Happy Stamping!

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