Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hold on to Hope

 Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wowsa! It's the end of the month! 

Today's card is one I made awhile back for Autumn's baptism...ummm, that would have been in March 2023. I couldn't find it on my blog and am assuming I never posted it. 

I used the Hold on to Hope bundle which is long retired but a keeper in my collection. I used Blushing Bride cardstock also long retired and I'm slowing depleting my stash of it. I used the Cane Weave EF which is current!  A simple card but I think it works nicely for a baptismal card.

I needed another baptism card and I went searching. So, here it is and I'm going to make several similar to have on hand when I need one!

And here is the adorable Autumn at 17 months old! She was at a parade! 

Happy Stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely card and sweet Autumn! She's adorable! I'll never get rid of this bundle, it's perfect for so many occasions!
